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that suits you!

My team and I share skills, models and frameworks with you so you can act powerfully to create the life you want and thrive on the challenges you have.


 We suggest networks where you can share with others, helping them succeed and at the same time helping you.


Come up with action journeys for yourself so you can assess your own growth on your own terms, with us there to support you.


Watch, listen and read stories that will make you think so differently about who you are and what you are doing.  They will literally take you out of your skin and make you want to deal with life differently.


 Join a growing tribe who are ready to support others in the way that we support you. 


Our training uses five key approaches:

Step 1

Mindset shift:

Opening the participants’ minds to other ways of thinking and doing things, using the Human Alarm Clock.

Step 2

Engraining new habits:

Using Karl Lewin’s un-freeze-move-refreeze model, Rudy Eckhardt’s truth about love and fear, and other models.

Step 3


Repetition in habits to embed them.

Step 4

Time Appropriateness:

Module lengths that ensure deep learning for participants, dependent on what really works for them. 

Step 5

People Eco-systems: 

Ensuring that participants create the right network around them to enable them to excel.


Prashant Patel

Vandana, your session was awesome and after hearing to your experience it was very much clear to me the importance of networking. Also, you are one of the best speakers I have heard so far. And would like to hear from you in future as well. 


Ritvika Thakur

Vandana, today you conducted a session in Cognizant, and it was totally a booster for me and hence in my journey to connect with people it will be a pleasure for me to get connected with you and learn more from you. 


Caroline Audoir de Valter,

Founder & CEO at HFCF

I have known Vandana for many years and collaborated with her on various projects. What I like about her is that she brings lots of innovation, creativity and have an amazing ability to bring people together. I recommend her one on one leadership coaching as she have this amazing ability to bring authentic safe inner discovery that bring in each one the best version of themselves.  


Ritesh Dey,

Senior Manager at Deloitte LLP

Get Through Guides was hired to create a pool of IFRS trained professionals by Grant Thornton and she was the lead trainer for the coaching sessions for the Mumbai and Pune firm participants. Vandana is a brilliant teacher and knows how to reach out and keep experienced professionals engaged throughout day long sessions... her ability to mix classroom basics with her own practical experiences helped a great deal and I greatly attribute my own success in clearing the DIP IFR exams at one go to her... thanks Vandana and also to your team for the wonderful reference material! 

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